What We are able to Ship in Warmer Weather from Tripician's Macaroons
No matter the season, enjoy our Almond and Coconut Macaroons and even Chocolate Covered ones too, shipped to your door, any time fo the year. Our Macaroons are 'satin'- wrapped ensuring that the chocolate will not pull away from even the Chocolate Covered ones once they are returned to room temperature. We also ship these additioanl items year round.: our twice-toasted, crunchy Biscotti, Fudge Brownies, Fudge, Popcorn, Sweet Bread, and more.
Please Note: We cannot guarantee the shipment of chocolates, chocolate covered pretzels, or any items which may melt between May 1st and September 1st. Customer ordering and shipping any such items are doing so at their own risk.
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